Water Pump Repairing

Water Pump Repairing Services

Water Pump Repairing

Are you aware of the vital role that water pumps play in maintaining a consistent and reliable water supply? Whether it’s for residential, commercial, or agricultural purposes, these powerful machines are essential in ensuring a smooth flow of water. However, just like any other equipment, water pumps require regular maintenance to function optimally. That’s where Selva Cleaning steps in – our team of experts provides top-notch water pump maintenance services throughout. We will delve into the importance of regular upkeep for your water pump and how Selva Cleaning can help you keep your system running smoothly. Get ready to discover why neglecting this crucial aspect can lead to a cascade of issues and why our professional services are an absolute game-changer!

What is a Water Pump and How Does It Work?

A water pump is a mechanical device used to move or transfer water from one place to another. It plays a crucial role in maintaining a constant supply of clean and safe water for various purposes such as drinking, agriculture, and industrial processes.

The basic principle behind the functioning of a water pump is the conversion of mechanical energy into hydraulic energy, which creates pressure that drives the movement of water. The source of this mechanical energy can vary from an electric motor to an internal combustion engine or even a wind turbine.

There are two main types of water pumps: centrifugal and positive displacement pumps. Centrifugal pumps use rotating impellers to create suction and discharge pressure, while positive displacement pumps use reciprocating pistons or gears to push the water out.

To understand how a water pump works, let’s break it down into four main components: the housing, impeller, inlet and outlet ports, and drive shaft:


The housing or casing encloses all the other components and provides support for them. It also acts as a chamber to contain the pumped liquid.


This is the heart of the pump where all the action happens. An impeller consists of multiple curved blades that rotate when powered by an external force. As it spins, it creates centrifugal force that pushes the water towards its periphery at high speeds.

Inlet and Outlet Ports:

These are openings on either side of the housing where water enters (inlet) and exits (outlet ) the pump. The inlet is usually positioned at the center of the impeller, while the outlet is at the periphery.

Drive Shaft:

This is a rotating rod that connects to the impeller and transmits mechanical energy to it. It is powered by an electric motor or other means, causing the impeller to spin and create pressure that moves water through the pump.

The functioning of a water pump can be summarized in a few simple steps:

Step 1: The impeller starts rotating when powered by an external force (electric motor, engine, etc.).

Step 2: As it spins, it creates centrifugal force that pushes the water towards its periphery at high speeds.

Step 3: The water enters through the inlet port and is directed towards the center of the impeller.

Step 4: As more water enters, it gets trapped between the blades of the spinning impeller and gets pushed outwards due to centrifugal force.

Step 5: The pressurized water exits through the outlet port and travels through pipes or hoses to its intended destination.

Importance of Regular Water Pump Maintenance

Regular water pump maintenance is an essential aspect of maintaining a functional and efficient plumbing system in your home or commercial building. A water pump is responsible for supplying water to various parts of the building, such as toilets, showers, and faucets. It works tirelessly to ensure that clean running water is available whenever it is needed.

However, like any other mechanical equipment, a water pump requires regular maintenance to keep it operating at its best. Neglecting to maintain your water pump can result in a range of problems that can be costly and inconvenient.

Here are some reasons why regular water pump maintenance should be a priority for every homeowner or business owner:

Prevents breakdowns:

A well-maintained water pump is less likely to break down unexpectedly. Regular checks and servicing help identify any potential issues early on before they develop into major problems. This proactive approach ensures smooth operation and avoids sudden disruptions in the supply of clean water.

Saves money:

By getting your water pump serviced regularly, you can avoid expensive repairs or even the need for a replacement in the long run. Minor issues that are left unchecked can escalate into significant malfunctions that require costly repairs or replacements.

Increases longevity:

Water pumps have moving parts that experience wear and tear over time. Regular maintenance helps keep these components lubricated and functioning correctly, resulting in increased longevity of the equipment.

Shortens downtime:

A broken water pump can cause significant disruptions in daily operations for businesses or inconvenience for households. Regular maintenance helps detect  and address any issues promptly, minimizing downtime and keeping things running smoothly.

Ensures efficiency:

A properly maintained water pump operates at peak efficiency, ensuring that your water system is using the least amount of energy while still delivering the required amount of water. This can help reduce energy costs in the long run.

Maintains water quality:

A malfunctioning water pump can introduce contaminants into your plumbing system, affecting the overall quality of your water. Regular maintenance helps ensure that your water pump is working correctly, providing clean and safe drinking water for you and your family or employees.

Signs That Your Water Pump Needs Repair

It is often said that prevention is better than cure, and this holds true for water pumps as well. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can greatly extend the lifespan of your water pump and ensure that it operates at its optimal efficiency. However, even with proper care, there may come a time when your water pump starts showing signs of wear and tear. In such cases, timely repairs are crucial to prevent any further damage or potential breakdowns.

Here are some of the major signs that indicate your water pump needs repair:

Reduced Water Pressure:

If you notice a sudden decrease in the water pressure in your home or commercial building, it could be a sign of a failing water pump. A drop in water pressure indicates that your pump is not functioning properly, possibly due to worn-out parts or clogs in the pipes.

Strange Noises:

Unusual sounds such as grinding or rattling coming from your water pump should never be ignored. These noises could be an indication of loose or damaged parts within the pump, which require immediate attention before they lead to more severe issues.


One of the most obvious signs that your water pump needs repair is visible leaks around the unit or near pipe connections. Leaks can cause damage to other components of the system and also result in unnecessary wastage of water.

Inconsistent Cycling:

If you notice that your water pump is constantly turning on and off without any reason, it could be a sign of electrical issues or faulty sensors within the  system. This fluctuation in the pump’s cycling can also cause excessive wear and tear, leading to breakdowns.

Higher Energy Bills:

A malfunctioning water pump may consume more energy than usual, resulting in higher electricity bills. If you notice a significant increase in your monthly energy expenses, it could be an indication that your water pump is not working efficiently and requires repair or replacement.

Discolored Water:

If the water coming out of your faucets is cloudy, dirty, or discolored, it could mean that your water pump is struggling to deliver clear water due to clogged filters or damaged parts.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Water Pump Repair Service

Water pumps are essential for many households and industries as they play a crucial role in providing a reliable water supply. However, like any other mechanical equipment, water pumps also require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. One of the best ways to ensure professional maintenance is by hiring a professional water pump repair service.

Here are some of the key benefits of investing in a professional water pump repair service:

Expertise and Experience:

One of the main advantages of hiring a professional water pump repair service is their expertise in handling various types and models of water pumps. They have trained technicians who have years of experience working with different types of water pumps, which makes them equipped to handle any issue that may arise with your pump. Their knowledge and skills allow them to diagnose and fix problems efficiently, reducing downtime and ensuring your water pump functions smoothly.

Quality Workmanship:

With professionals handling your water pump maintenance, you can be assured that the work will be carried out with precision and attention to detail. Professional services use high-quality tools and equipment backed by advanced techniques to provide solutions that last long term. They follow industry standards when it comes to repairing or replacing damaged parts and ensure that all components are functioning correctly before declaring the job done.

Saves Time & Money:

Hiring a professional service ultimately saves you both time and money in the long run. Attempting DIY repairs on your own could lead to further damage if not done correctly, resulting in costly repairs or even early replacement of your entire system. Hiring professionals to take care of your water pump maintenance ensures that the job is done right the first time, saving you from frequent repairs and replacements.

Regular Maintenance:

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your water pump. Professional services offer scheduled maintenance plans tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that your pump is regularly checked for any wear and tear or potential issues. This not only keeps your pump in good condition but also prevents unexpected breakdowns that can be costly.


Handling water pumps can be hazardous if you do not have the necessary skills and experience. Professional services have trained personnel who are well-versed in safety procedures when working with water pumps. They use appropriate safety gear, adhere to safety protocols, and follow standard operating procedures, minimizing any risk of accidents or injuries.

Common Issues with Water Pumps and How Selva Cleaning Can Fix Them

Water pumps play a crucial role in our daily lives by providing clean water for various purposes. However, like any other mechanical equipment, they can experience issues over time, which can disrupt the flow of water and cause inconvenience. In this section, we will discuss some common problems that can arise with water pumps and how Selva Cleaning’s expert services can fix them to ensure an uninterrupted water supply.

Low Water Pressure:

The most common issue faced by homes and businesses is low water pressure, where the pump fails to deliver an adequate amount of water. This could be due to clogged pipes or a damaged impeller (the part responsible for pumping the water). Selva Cleaning uses advanced techniques such as hydro jetting or pipe cleaning to remove any blockages and repair or replace the impeller if needed.


Another prevalent problem is leaks in the pump system. These leaks can be caused by worn-out seals or gaskets, cracks in the pipes, or loose fittings. If not addressed promptly, these leaks can lead to further damage and increase your water bill significantly. At Selva Cleaning, our team of experts carefully inspects all parts of the pump system to identify any leaks and replace faulty components using high-quality materials.

Unusual Noises:

If you notice strange noises coming from your water pump while it’s running, it could indicate underlying issues such as a damaged motor bearing or misaligned belts/pulleys. Attempting to fix these problems yourself without proper  knowledge and tools can lead to more significant damage. Selva Cleaning has the necessary expertise and equipment to resolve these issues safely and efficiently.

Pump Not Turning On:

If your pump is not turning on at all, it could be due to a faulty or damaged motor, broken electrical connections, or a tripped circuit breaker. Selva Cleaning’s skilled technicians will carefully troubleshoot the problem and carry out any necessary repairs to ensure your pump functions correctly.

Short Cycling:

This refers to a situation where the pump turns on and off too frequently, leading to increased wear and tear. Short cycling can be caused by multiple factors such as low water levels in the well, pressure tank issues, or malfunctioning pressure switches. Selva Cleaning thoroughly inspects the pump system and carries out effective repairs to prevent short cycling.

Preventive Measures for Maintaining Your Water Pump


Regular Inspections:

One of the most important preventive measures for maintaining your water pump is to conduct regular inspections. This involves checking the overall condition of the pump, as well as its components such as seals, bearings, and belts. It is recommended to inspect your water pump at least once every 3 months or more frequently if it is heavily used.

Check for Leaks:

The next step in preventive maintenance is to check for any leaks in the pump’s system. Leaks can cause significant damage to the pump and reduce its efficiency. Look out for any signs of corrosion or moisture buildup around the pump, which could indicate a leaking issue.

Clean Filters:

The filters in your water pump play a crucial role in preventing debris from clogging up the system and causing damage. It is essential to clean or replace these filters regularly, depending on your manufacturer’s recommendations.

Lubricate Moving Parts:

Another important preventive measure is to ensure that all moving parts of your water pump are adequately lubricated. This includes bearings, motors, and pulleys, among others. Proper lubrication helps reduce friction and wear on these parts, prolonging their lifespan.

Keep an Eye on Pressure Gauges:

Most modern water pumps have pressure gauges that indicate the pressure level of the system accurately. Monitoring these gauges regularly can help you identify any irregularities and take corrective measures before they turn into larger problems.

Check the Motor and Electrical Connections:

The motor and electrical connections are crucial for the proper functioning of your water pump. Regularly inspect these parts to ensure that there is no damage or wear. Loose connections can also lead to inefficiency and may need to be tightened.

Keep the Pump Clean:

It is vital to keep your water pump clean to prevent any buildup of debris or dirt, which can cause clogging and affect its efficiency. Regularly wipe down the pump with a damp cloth and make sure to remove any debris from the surrounding area.

Drain Water from Unused Pumps:

If your water pump is not used for an extended period, it is recommended to drain all the water from the system. This helps prevent any damage due to freezing during colder months.

Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions:

Lastly, it is essential to follow all the manufacturer’s instructions for the maintenance and operation of your specific water pump model. Different pumps have different requirements, and it is crucial to adhere to them for optimal performance and longevity.

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